Man this week just flew by! I love short work weeks...bring on the weekend!
Sunday - 13 miles, easy pace. This was the best run! I ran with a couple of guys from my running group, on a new-to-us stretch of the bike trail. There was one killer hill, but overall it was a nice route. Good conversation on the way out, and then I turned back before them so I had a little "alone" time with my thoughts. I also tried out PowerGels for the first time. Pretty sweet, but not so bad. One of the guys said "just think of it as the filling in a jelly donut", and honestly - that really helped! They sat well with my stomach, so I think this might be a good alternative to the chews I used to eat pre-braces. Average pace: 9:43.
Monday - no fitness was to be had on Monday. Well, not true. I did hip strength and lower leg strength exercises. But besides that? Nada.
Tuesday - 5 mile cutdown run. 1 mile warm up, 3 miles at 8:55, 8:45, 8:35, 1 mile cool down. For some reason, I had trouble hitting the paces in those first two cutdown miles. I was way too fast, then slowed down too much, then had to catch up. It wasn't until that 8:35 mile that I finally leveled out and ran at a consistent pace. Overall though, it was a good run. Paces: 9:50, 8:52, 8:45, 8:34, 9:16.
Wednesday - I was totally going to get up and do yoga on Wednesday morning, but I went to see Pitch Perfect 2 on Tuesday night, and even though I wasn't out late I did have trouble falling asleep. Too hyped up from being out past 8:30pm? I don't know. So I opted for an extra hour of sleep. I did get in about 15 minutes of yoga in the evening, along with my core strength exercises.
Thursday - 4 easy miles. Nothing special about this run. The miles were easy, the weather was beautiful. Average pace: 9:40.
Friday - 5 easy miles. It was supposed to rain this morning, but the roads were dry when I left the house. I figured I'd just deal with it if I got rained on. But apparently my subconscious was worried about getting wet, because my first 2 miles were too fast. Once I told myself to stop being silly, 10 or 20 extra seconds was not actually going to get me home that much faster, I was able to slow down back to my easy range. Paces: 9:28, 9:32, 9:36, 9:48, 9:38
Saturday - tomorrow I plan on doing the circuit training routine, then I'm off to have lunch with a good, old friend. Not that she's old, just I've known her for a few years. Although she is quite a bit older than me. Uhm...I'm really not calling anyone old here. Moving on!
How's your training going? Do you use gels when you run?
Glad that the gels worked for you! They always irritate my stomach. I go with the chews.