Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Running Review of 2015

I had originally planned to post this on Wednesday, but then I remembered that today is the last Tuesday of the month, which means it's time for the Training for Tuesday link up! Hosted by Tracy and Alyssa - go check out their blogs and link up with us!

2015 has been a huge year for me! Running-wise, anyway.

I ran a 10k PR

2nd Place Women 30-39

I ran a 5k PR, and maybe would have even bettered it here if the course hadn't been short.

and won 3rd place Women 30-39

I overcame not one injury, but (almost) two. Getting there. So close.

I went to a running camp and met some really cool people. This is so out of character for me, but I'm eternally grateful that I got to go and had the courage to do it on my own.

I ran 1120 miles. Ok, well as of this writing, it's 1110.83, but I have 4 & 5 mile runs planned for the next two days. Come hell or high water, I am running those miles! I keep a spreadsheet to track the mileage on my shoes. This number could be off slightly, but I'm going with it. One THOUSAND one hundred and twenty miles. On my legs. This year. That's a lot of miles, folks.

I'm hoping that 2016 is kind to me, and maybe even better. I have not one but two full marathons in my sights for next year.

May 21st

October 9th

I'm hoping that my body holds up enough to do it. I keep hearing that the miles get easier the more you do them. We'll see, right?


How was your 2015 running year? What's on tap for 2016?


  1. Kin tape saved my life when i was going through my wrist issues...it was the only way i could continue training and not die in pain. here's to a great 2016 for you!!

  2. Yay so much running goodness in one year! I included my last 2 planned runs in my total as well....seriously hoping I didn't jinx myself and I'm not going to go out and break my leg or something ;) Here's to a 2016 of hoping and praying that our legs don't fail us now!

  3. that is a lot of miles! congrats, that is awesome. i really want to track my miles in 2016 as i have no idea what i ran this year. congrats on your PRs and that running camp sounds fun - here's to 2016!

  4. Yay for you!!! What an amazing year of running!! Congrats on it ALL!!! :)

  5. You have had an AWESOME year! That picture with the KT tape, omg. The night before my marathon I taped up my ankles/Achilles regions, both knees and my right hip. I looked like the tape was holding my joints together, hah!
    Congrats on all the amazing milestones this year. Here's hoping 2016 is even more exciting and record-setting for you. Thanks for linking up!
