Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Wednesday Word

It's been a few weeks, but I'm linking up again with Deb Runs for her Wednesday Word post.

Today's word is Optimism.

"Hopefulness and confidence about the future or the successful outcome of something."

I will be the first person to admit that I am not the most optimistic person. I fret. I worry. I "what if" a lot. Especially at this juncture of my life with school being a possibility, full time jobs being few and far between, running is just going so-so...

It's hard to be positive some days. 

But looking at the definition of the optimism again, one word really sticks out to me: hopefulness. 

I am hopeful. I have an abundance of hope. There are so many things that I am hoping go one way or another at the moment.

I am hopeful that I get into grad school.
I am hopeful that the government is kind enough to pay for it.
I am hopeful that we find the funds to pay the bills while I'm in school.
I am hopeful that if I don't get into school, God provides a really great job for me instead.
I am hopeful that my body will get it together so I can run pain free.
I am hopeful that a pain free body leads to two marathons this year.

So while I may not be super confident about what is happening this week, next week, next month, next year - I am hopeful.

 Are you an optimistic person? Link up and tell us what you're optimistic about! 

Deb Runs


  1. I love that glass graphic. It is full! Although I'm a classic worrier, I have optimism. I don't think worry equals pessimism. I am hopeful my body gets itself together too!

    1. You are probably right about worry. Maybe I just need to relax!

  2. The scientist in me loves that "completely full" meme! I hope your hopes are fulfilled soon.

  3. Here's to your hopes and dreams of going to grad school being fulfilled so you can have an optimistic look toward the future!

    Thanks for linking up!

  4. I tend to worry a lot, too, but at the same time I still feel like I am an optimistic person. Even though I worry about something bad happening, I remain hopeful that things are going to work out OR that if the bad thing does happen we will get through it. Like you said, that's the difference :)

    1. That is one thing this while situation has revealed to me - my husband I are strong and getting stronger through this. We'll get through it together!

  5. I love that little picture with the glass! Good way to look at it!
