Friday, September 2, 2016

ABC Reads Challenge

So I'm a few days late on this post, but it's time again for the ABC Reads Link up with Mia & Andrea!

This month I have basically only been reading one thing.

Foundations of Library & Information Science.

I won't bore you with a picture, but it's basically a textbook for the class of the same name. I was really excited to start it, but the more and more I read, the less and less I wanted to be reading it. Or working towards a Masters in Library & Information Science. Or be a librarian.

So I dropped out of grad school.


Such a load off my shoulders, plate, mind...everything.

I think I've always romanced the idea of getting an MLIS degree, and working in a library seems like a good fit for me. But there's so much policy and management that goes into upper level librarianship, and I don't really want to deal with that. Also? I don't want to pay $35k for a degree I'm not sure I'll like or use. Andplusalso, I hated all the time it was taking away from the things I really love, like my family, recreational reading, and working out. Don't hate me for that last one, but it's true.


Now I have time to read for fun! I have quite the list going, too!

What are you reading? Join up and tell us!